Kemi Ogunyemi
Business Ethics
Sustainability Management
Brief info
Kemi Ogunyemi holds a degree in Law from the University of Ibadan, an LLM from University of Strathclyde, and MBA and PhD degrees from Pan-Atlantic University.
She currently teaches business ethics, managerial anthropology, and sustainability management at the Lagos Business School. Her consulting and research interests include personal ethos, work-life ethic, social responsibility, sustainability, governance, and anti-corruption risk assessment.
After leaving Law School, she worked as director, team lead and mentor in various projects of the Women’s Board (Educational Cooperation Society) before joining Lagos Business School in 2006. She has also developed, directed, and taught in management and leadership programmes for Nigerians of all ages aspiring to impact their country and the world.
She has held several positions that span academic and administrative directorships. Past positions include the directorship of the executive and full time MBA programmes at the School. She is currently the academic director of the Senior Management Programme and the director of the Christopher Kolade Centre for Research in Leadership and Ethics. She has also served on several academic and administrative committees such as review committees for the MBA and Executive MBA programmes, accreditation committees, and steering committees for various school projects.
Kemi is currently a member of the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN), Business Ethics Network of Africa (BEN-Africa), Academy of International Business South West (AIB-SW) and the International Society of Business, Economics and Ethics (ISBEE). She is also a reviewer (ad hoc) for journals and conferences such as Journal of Business Ethics, African Journal of Business Ethics, Academy of Management, and Academy of International Business.
In the course of her work, she co-developed the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) anti-corruption toolkit as well as a curriculum for teaching ethics and anti-corruption for the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI), Ghana. She has also co-facilitated several training events on corruption risk assessment for the private and public sectors, the most recent being that organised by (Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission) ICPC and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for the Nigerian aviation sector. In addition, she undertook the local impact evaluation for the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) anti-corruption collective action project early in 2015.
Journal Articles
Ogunyemi, K. & Laguda, E. (in press 2015). Ethics, wrWorkforce Practices and Sustainability by Multinationals in Nigeria, Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes (E), 26
Ogunyemi, K. (2014): Justice, care and Benevolence as spurs to Employee Loyalty, International Journal of Academy Research in Management, Vol. 13, Issue 2, p. 110-125.
Ogunyemi, K. (2014): Employer Loyalty – The Need for Reciprocity, Philosophy of Management, Vol. 13, Issue 3, p. 21-32.
Ogunyemi, K. and Adeleye, I. (2014): Values, Governance and Human Resource Management: Fighting the War for Talent Ethically, HRM Journal (2014)..
Ogunyemi, K. (2014): How Extortion Works – Breaking the Cycle, Business and Professional Ethics Journal, Vol. 33, Issue 1, p. 31-52.
Ogunyemi, K. (2014): New Technology and Ethical HRM, European Scientific Journal, Vol. 10, Issue 2, p. 283-300.
Ogunyemi, K. (2013): Ethics Education and Locus of Control: Is Rotter’s Scale Valid for Nigeria? African Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 7, Issue 1 p. 1-10.
Ogunyemi, K. and Ogunyemi, O. (2013): Exploring the Interaction of Self Narratives with Other Perception – Relevance for Managerial Anthropology and Business Ethics, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 4, Issue 10, p. 179-184.
Ogunyemi, K. (2013): Human Security and Development: Anti-Corruption Solutions, The International Journal of Sustainable Human Security, Vol. 1, Issue 1, p. 143-155. .
Ogunyemi, K. (2013): Teaching Business Ethics to Nigerian Senior Managers: Meeting the ‘How’ Expectations, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 4, Issue 9, p. 453-457.
Ogunyemi, K. (2013): Trust-Building, Agency and the Entrepreneur-HR Manager: A Nigerian Case Study, Issues in Business Management and Economics, Vol. 1, Issue 2, p. 22-36.
Ogunyemi, A. (2012): A Social Entrepreneurial Model from Nigeria, ACRN Journal of Entrepreneurship Perspectives, Vol. 1, Issue 1, p. 137 – 148.
Ogunyemi, A. (2011): The Importance of a Culture of Considerateness for Business Performance, Business & Management Journal, Vol. 1, No 2, April-June, pp. 72-82.
Conference Proceedings
“Vicious Cycles: Challenges to Voluntary Leaders from Nigeria”. ECMLG, Cyprus, Greece, Nov 8-9, 2012.
“Seawolf: Ethics-Based and Innovative Approaches to Entrepreneurial Stakeholder Management”. International Society of Business, Economics and Ethics (ISBEE), Warsaw, Poland, Jul 11-15, 2012.
Ogunyemi, K. (2011): “Overcoming Governance Handicaps in a Developing Economy”. Presented at the European Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance (ECMLG) Conference, Oct 6 – 7, 2011, Nice, France
Selected paper presentations at peer reviewed conferences
with Melé D. “Human Quality Treatment: Evidence from Four SMEs”, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia PA, United States of America, August 2014.
with Ogunyemi, O. O. “Building Personal Continuity in Identity: Understanding the Effects of Individual Ethics on Corporate Reputation”. Australasian Business Ethics Network (ABEN) Conference, Hobart, Australia-TAS, December 2013.
with Adeleye, I. “Applying Virtue Ethics to Organizational Behaviour and Talent Management”, JIS Symposium, Pasadena, United States of America, 2013.
with Ogunyemi, O. (2013). Exploring the Interaction of Self Narratives with Other Perception – Relevance for Managerial Anthropology and Business Ethics, International Conference on Human and Social Sciences, Rome, Italy, September 2013.
“Workplace Ethics and Technology – Working within Virtual Boundaries”, BEN-Africa Conference, Entebbe, Uganda, October 2012.
“Warfare Business Paradigms: Evidence from Nigerian Consumers”, EBEN Annual Conference, Barcelona, Spain, September 2012.
with Mele, D. “Human Quality of Treatment in Organizations: Evidence from Four Nigerian SMEs”. Managing Organizations in Africa Conference, Nottingham, Great Britain, September 2012.
“How Extortion Works: Evidence from an Emerging Economy” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston MA, United States of America, August 2012
“Rehabilitating Victims of Witchcraft Practices: Failure of Formal Structures in Akwa Ibom, Nigeria”, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, United States of America, August 2012.
“Seawolf – Ethics-Based and Innovative Approaches to Entrepreneurial StakeholderManagement. 5th ISBEE World Congress, Warsaw, Poland, July 2012.
“Exploring a Locus of Control Approach to Business Ethics Education in Nigeria” BEN-Africa Conference, Zanzibar, Tanzania, November 2011.
“A Social Entrepreneurial Model from Nigeria”, ACRN Conference, Linz, Austria, August 2011.
“Overcoming Governance Handicaps in a Developing Economy. ECMLG Conference, Nice, France, October 2011.
“Justice, Care and Benevolence as Triggers of Employee Loyalty” EBEN Annual Conference, Antwerp, Belgium, September 2011.
“Loyalty Expectations from Employers”. African Academy of Management (AFAM), San Antonio TX, United States of America. August 2011.
Attoh, U., & Epie, C. (2017). Negotiation: The role of cultural sensitivity. In R. R. Sharma, M. Csuri, & K. Ogunyemi (Eds.), Managing for responsibility: A source book for an alternative paradigm (pp. 179 – 190). USA: Business Expert Press.
Ogunyemi, K., & and Hamilton, J. B. (2017). Virtue ethics and the common good in the corporate legal compliance and ethics functions. In A. Sison, I. Ferrero & G. Guitian (Eds.),
Business ethics: A virtue ethics approach, London: Routledge.
Ogunyemi, K.: Responsible Management: Understanding Human Nature, Ethics and Sustainability, PRME Collection (Ed. Oliver Laasch), Business Expert Press, 2013.
Book Chapters
Ogunyemi, A. O. (2016). Embedding Ethics in Teaching Management. Teaching Ethics Across the Management Curriculum – Principles and Applications (pp. 5).
Ogunyemi, A. O. (2016). Teaching Ethics to Grown Ups: Coherent Narratives. Teaching Ethics Across the Management Curriculum – Principles and Applications (pp. 5).
Ogunyemi, A. O. (2016). Ethics Educators in Generation Y Classrooms. Teaching Ethics Across the Management Curriculum – Principles and Applications (pp. 6).
Ogunyemi, A. O. (2016). Ethics for Managing Business in a Global World. Teaching Ethics Across the Management Curriculum: Contributing to a Global Paradigm Shift (pp. 6).
Ogunyemi, A. O. (2016). Ethics in Business: Positive and Negative Practices Exploring the Rocket Singh Parable. Managing for Responsibility: A Source Book for an Alternate Paradigm (eds. Radha R. Sharma, Merril Csuri and Kemi Ogunyemi) (pp. 19).
Demuijnck, G., Ogunyemi, A. O., & Lasida, E. (2015). Business and Management Practices Influenced by Catholic Humanism: Three Case Studies. Humanism in Economics and Business: Perspectives of the Catholic Social Tradition (pp. 215-238). Springer: Dordrecht.
Veland Ramadani, Shqipe Gërguri-Rashiti and Alain Fayolle (Eds.), Female Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies: Trends and Challenges, Palgrave Macmillan, US (April 2015).
“Developing Country Perspectives: A Look at the Nigerian Banking Sector Crisis”, in Patrick O’Sullivan, Nigel F. B. Allington, and Mark Esposito (Eds.), The Philosophy, Politics and Economics of Finance in the 21st Century: From Hubris to Disgrace, Routledge (April 21, 2015), pp.453-466
Ogunyemi, A. O. (2014). Managerial Anthropology – A humanistic Approach to Management Studies. Humanistic IB/IM.
(with Nwosu, B. “Building Trust for the Internal Stakeholder: Governance Footprints within the Organization”, in Tom Cockburn, Khosro Jahdi and Edgar Wilson (Eds.), Responsible Governance: International Perspectives for the New Era, Business Expert Press, New York (January 21, 2015).
“Teaching Ethics Across the Management Curriculum”, in Ogunyemi, K. (Ed.), Teaching Ethics across the Management Curriculum: A Handbook for International Faculty, Business Expert Press, New York (December 31, 2014), pp. 1-13.
Ogunyemi, A. O. (2014). One Nigerian Femtrepreneur: A Case Study of Virtue in Business. Female Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies:Trends and Challenges.
“The Art and Ethics of Business: Through African (Yoruba) Lenses”, in Robert Blomme and Bertine van Hoof (Eds.), Another State of Mind: Perspectives from Wisdom Traditions on Management and Business, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK (December, 2014).
“Managerial Anthropology – A Humanistic Approach to Management Studies,” in Nathaniel Lupton and Michael Pirson (Eds.), Humanistic Perspectives on International Business and Management, Palgrave-MacMillan, New York (October 29, 2014), pp 241-255.
Ogunyemi, K. (2012): Workforce Diversity at the Lagos Business School, Pan-African University, Nigeria, in Chaunda L. Scott and Marilyn Y. Byrd (eds.) Handbook of Research on Workforce Diversity in a Global Society: Technologies and Concepts, (pp. 1-650), doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-1812-1 (pp. 73-87).
Ogunyemi, K. (2012): Individual Ethical Behavior and the Influences of Organisational Culture, in “Integrity in Organisations – Building the Foundations for Humanistic Management”, Business Expert Press. Edited by Wolfgang Amann and Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch.
Edited Books
Ogunyemi, K. (Ed.), Teaching Ethics across the Management Curriculum: A Handbook for International Faculty, Business Expert Press, New York (December 31, 2014).
Case Studies
Ogunyemi, A. O. (2016). Benedict Odukwu Tripped Up by Statutory Mandates. The Case Centre (pp. 5). Lagos Business School.
Ogunyemi, A. O. (2016). Amara and the Price of Integrity. The Case Centre (pp. 5). Lagos Business School.
Ogunyemi, A. O. (2016). Amara and the Price of Integrity (II): Amara’s Decision. The Case Centre (pp. 1). Lagos Business School.
Ogunyemi, A. O. (2016). Amara and the Price of Integrity (III): The Aftershock. The Case Centre (pp. 1). Lagos Business School.
Ogunyemi, A. O. (2016). The Pelican Brief: Relational and Workplace Ethics. The Case Centre (pp. 6). Lagos Business School.
Ogunyemi, A. O. (2014). Green Forests Incorporated: Striving for Profit, People, and Planet. The Case Centre (pp. 13). Lagos Business School.
Ogunyemi, A. O. (2014). The Lumberworks Agent. The Case Centre (pp. 12). Lagos Business School.
Ogunyemi, A. O. (2014). Tinuke Mosuro – Career Mom. The Case Centre (pp. 8). Lagos Business School.
Ogunyemi, A. O. (2013). A Youth Corper in the Niger Delta. The Case Centre (pp. 7). Lagos Business School.
Ogunyemi, O. A. (2012). T & K Chalks. European Case Clearing House (pp. 6). Lagos Business School.
Ogunyemi, O. A. (2012). Mike Eze and the Ethniki Way. European Case Clearing House (pp. 10). Lagos Business School.
Ogunyemi, O. A. (2012). Ethics and Profitability: Complementary or Mutually Exclusive. European Case Clearing House (pp. 6). Lagos Business School.
Ogunyemi, O. A. (2012). Creating and Sustaining an Ethical Culture. European Case Clearing House (pp. 10). Lagos Business School.
Technical Notes
“Ethics and Profitability: Complementary or Mutually Exclusive”, Technical note for purposes of Class Discussion, prepared for Lagos Business School, 2012.
“Employees, Agency and Trust”, Technical note for purposes of Class Discussion, prepared for Lagos Business School, 2011
“Creating and Sustaining an Ethical Culture”, 2012
Working Papers
Human Quality of Treatment in Organisations: Evidence from Four Nigerian SMEs
Ogunyemi, A. O. & Adeleye, I. (2013). “Recruiting for Values – Building a Framework for SMEs,” targeted for African Journal of Business Ethics.
Papers under review
Ogunyemi, A. O. & Nwosu, B. (2013). “Targeting Ethics and Competitiveness: A Look at Organisational Satisfaction in the Nigerian Hospitality Industry,” 1st revise and resubmit to African Journal of Business Ethics.
Ogunyemi, A. O. & Ogunyemi, O. O. (2013). “Building Personal Continuity in Identity: Understanding the Effects of Individual Ethics on Corporate Reputation,” Initial submission to Business and Society.