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About Our Centres
Christopher Kolade Centre for Research in Leadership and Ethics
Research Creation
Research Creation
This is the core of our activity at CKCRLE. All CKCRLE team members are committed to research. We use systematic, investigative processes to increase or revise current knowledge in the fields of leadership and ethics. The results of CKCRLE’s research are published as articles in top international journals, case studies, technical notes and books.
Research Dissemination
Research Dissemination
In line with our vision of sharing knowledge that improves the way business leaders and managers lead and live in Africa and the world, CKCRLE utilizes conferences, electronic, print, social media and other channels to disseminate the result of its research.
Capacity Building
Capacity Building
CKCRLE aims to build capacity among researchers, managers and leaders through the following initiatives: research workshops, think tank events, industry breakfast meetings, research labs, and an international, interdisciplinary and independent network.
CKCRLE engages the wider business community through the following initiatives: Alumni Support Network (a network/forum that can boost members’ efforts to implement ethical principles and concepts in their business activities) and collaboration with external parties.
LBS Sustainability Centre
Corporate sustainability
Corporate Sustainability
Corporate sustainability entails the approach and action of businesses towards sustainable development, sustainability strategy, shared value, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and corporate philanthropy. It also involves designing, building, and operating structural elements that do not diminish the social, economic, and ecological processes required to maintain human equity, diversity, and the functionality of natural systems.
Responsible Business and Leadership
Responsible Business and Leadership
Responsible businesses are principle and value-driven, demonstrating consideration for employees, customers, suppliers and the wider society in the course of their profit-making activities. We believe that leadership plays a key role in running businesses in a responsible manner
Circular Economy
Circular Economy
A circular economy is based on the principles of designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use, and regenerating natural systems. This industrial model aims to restore or regenerate the ecosystem, society and economy by intention and design.
Nonprofit and Social Enterprise Management
Nonprofit and Social Enterprise Management
Small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) contribute to a country’s gross domestic product (GDP), wealth creation, employment, and technological advancement. Social entrepreneurship entails recognising social problems and achieving social change by employing entrepreneurial principles, processes, and operations.
Public Policy
Public Policy
Government actions and policies play an important role in promoting sustainability practices. Our public sector engagements serve as a platform to advocate for policies that facilitate sustainable development at national and continental levels.
We contribute to the evidence base for financial inclusion via studies of diverse problematic areas across the supply-side, demand-side and policy dimensions. Our research provides financial service ecosystem actors with practical knowledge supporting solutions to supply-side and demand-side constraints limiting financial inclusion.
We are committed to building capacity among stakeholders, providing them with practical skills, knowledge and cutting edge toolkits they need to serve excluded populations sustainably. Our capacity building projects are varied and cater to both regulators and financial service providers.
We convene and facilitate knowledge-sharing sessions between financial service providers, regulators and policymakers to enhance ecosystem coordination and FSPs’ ability to leverage existing policy levers. As ecosystem thought leaders, we strive to guide these knowledge sharing sessions and conversations along thematic areas to ensure insights and conclusions are rooted and supported by evidence from research.
Through the media, our industry newsletter, strategic live events and conferences, as well as our annual state of market report, we endeavour to keep the ecosystem updated on the most relevant financial inclusion news, trends and insights which will help them serve the financially excluded and underserved.
Business Innovation Accelerator
Over the years, youth unemployment has risen to unsafe levels for the Nigerian economy and this has led to rising insecurity, social vices, slow economic growth, inflation, brain drain and other attendant hardships. BIA aims to produce innovative and problem-solving entrepreneurs whose successful businesses will contribute to the revitalization of the national economy through job creation and the global commercialisation of their products/solutions. This is intended to boost job creation, significantly improve SME business success and reduce loan default rates due to business failure. The Centre will also provide an ecosystem to support and enhance the technical, managerial, financial, and leadership skills of entrepreneurs across Nigeria.