Henrietta Onwuegbuzie
Brief info
Dr Henrietta Onwuegbuzie is an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at Lagos Business School and a certified Management consultant. She is also an IFC certified Management trainer. Onwuegbuzie is passionate about economic development and socio-economic transformation in Nigeria and Africa, and has initiated the creation of over 100 profitable, impact-driven businesses through the MBA and Executive programmes at Lagos Business School (LBS), where she leads sessions in Entrepreneurship on the MBA and Executive programmes. She is currently the Director of the Business Innovation Accelerator (BIA), and Project Director for the Impact Investing initiative at LBS. She was recently conferred the Excellence award in Entrepreneurship and Impact Investing and appointed a Distinguished Fellow of the Global Africa Leadership Council.
Onwuegbuzie is one of the first two African Visiting Faculty at Yale School of Management, in the United States, and has been invited to speak at top Business Schools like the Oxford Said Business School, UK and IESE Business School, Barcelona. She has an MSc (with honours), in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Navarre, Spain; an MBA from Lagos Business School, Nigeria; and a PhD in Management and Entrepreneurship, from Lancaster University, UK. Onwuegbuzie is a life member of the Beta Gamma Sigma group, which admits only top performers in the top 5% of Schools, worldwide.
Prior to joining the LBS faculty, she managed educational projects for women’s development, in different states in Nigeria and subsequently, worked in the banking industry with key responsibilities for blue-chip companies and multinationals in the corporate banking sector. Onwuegbuzie sits on the Board of a number of companies, and has extensive consulting experience, spanning projects at the State level to conglomerates and SME’s in various industries.
In 2013, she was conferred the African Women Development Champion Award by the Centre for Economic and Leadership Development. In the same year, she was appointed one of the national mentors for the YouWin Entrepreneurship programme, driven from the office of the President. In 2015, she was conferred a certificate of recognition in New York by LEAP, a UN working group under the Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) sector, in recognition of her ground-breaking work in developing change accelerators. Onwuegbuzie has presented award-winning papers at various international conferences on entrepreneurship and sustainable development, winning the best paper award in some of these conferences. She has been rated top 4% among Nigerian top Executives in the education Management industry.
On a voluntary basis, she mentors aspiring and established entrepreneurs. Her current focus is on the development of impact-driven entrepreneurs for national transformation, as well preparing Women for next level leadership through a programme that strengthens their skills in Management, entrepreneurship and wealth creation.
Journal Articles
Oke, A. & Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2013). Outsourcing, Subcontracting-in and Radical Innovativeness: The Moderating Effect of Manufacturing Strategy. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 24 (4), 511-535.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N., Adomdza, G., & Ogola, F. (2012). Nike Davies-Okundaye: Building a family-social enterprise. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 2 (8), 1-14.
Onwuegbuzie, H., & Ugwuanyi, I. 2017. Experiential Learning Methods for Teaching Entrepreneurship with a Sustainability Mind-set. Book chapter in Kassel & Rimanoczy (Eds), Developing Sustainability Mind-set in Higher Education. Greenleaf. Forthcoming.
Onwuegbuzie, H., 2017, The Role of the Diaspora in disseminating Indigenous Knowledge Entrepreneurship. Journal of International Business Research and Marketing. 4(2): 20-24.
Onwuegbuzie, H., 2017, Learning from the past: Entrepreneurship through apprenticeship for more successful outcomes. Advances in Economics and Business 5(5): 280-287
Onwuegbuzie, H., & Ugwuanyi, I. 2016. Doing good is good business: Embedding ethics in teaching entrepreneurship and business venturing. Book chapter in K. Ogunyemi (Ed.), Teaching ethics across the management curriculum: Contributing to a global paradigm shift (pp. 35-55). New York, US: Business Expert Press.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N 2016, A 21st Century Paradigm for Entrepreneurs and Policy Makers: Applying Modern Scientific Methods to Indigenous Innovation, in Joyce Liddle (ed.) New Perspectives on Research, Policy & Practice in Public Entrepreneurship (Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, Volume 6). Binkley, UK. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.103 – 126.
Onwuegbuzie, H. 2016. Indigenous knowledge as a global competitive advantage and a significant source of non-oil export revenues. The Case Centre №: 816-0074-6. Lagos, Nigeria: Lagos Business School
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. and Okupe A. 2016: Indigenous Knowledge for Sustainable Development: An opportunity for Africapitalism. Africapitalism, Entrepreneurs and Socio-Economic Development: Problems, Paradoxes and Possibilities. Routledge. (In press)
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2016). Building the Next Generation of African Scholars and Entrepreneurs. In Kazeroony, H (Ed.), Management Development in Africa: Building Capabilities to Serve African Organisations (pp. 25). New York. Routledge.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2016). A 21st Century Paradigm for Entrepreneurs and Policy Makers: Applying Modern Scientific Methods to Indigenous Innovation. New Perspectives on Research, Policy and Practice in Public Entrepreneurship (Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, Vol 6) (pp. 103 – 126). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. & Ugwuanyi, I. (2016). Doing Good is Good Business: Embedding Ethics in Teaching Entrepreneurship and Business Venturing. In K. Ogunyemi (Ed.), Teaching Ethics Across the Management Curriculum (pp. 35-55). New York, US: Business Expert Press.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2016). Indigenous Knowledge for Sustainable Development: An opportunity for Africapitalism. The Case Center.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. & Ugwuanyi, I. (2016). Experiential Learning Methods for Teaching Entrepreneurship with a Sustainability Mind-set. In Press, In Kassel & Rimanoczy (Eds.), Developing Sustainability Mind-set in Higher Education.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2013). Madu: Growing from Scratch – Indigenous Entrepreneurship in Nigeria. Global Entrepreneurship Casebook. Routledge [B].
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2014). Revamping a Family Business: Rosaab Industrial Designs. Case Centre (pp. 9). Lagos Business School.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2014). Arco Petrochemicals: Climbing by Merit. Case Centre (pp. 8). Case Centre.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2014). Rob Ukropina: Success is Giving First A and B. The Case Centre (pp. 6). Lagos Business School.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2014). Slot Nigeria – Building a World Class Retail Giant. Case Centre (pp. 11). Case Centre.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2012). Chidi’s Dilemma. European Case Clearing House (pp. 3). Lagos Business School.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2012). John Tobi. European Case Clearing House (pp. 5). Lagos Business School.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2004). From Ocean and Oil to Unipetrol: Building through Acquisitions. Lagos Business School.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2002). Fountain Trust Bank: Transformation of a Conservative Bank. Lagos Business School.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2002). Platinum Bank: Facing the Challenges of a Highly Competitive Industry. Lagos Business School. Lagos Business School.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2016). Indigenous Knowledge as a Global Competitive Advantage and A Significant Source of Non-Oil Export Revenues. The Case Center (pp. 5). Lagos Business School.
LBS Course Materials
“Fountain Trust Bank: Transformation of a Conservative Bank” [Link to external resources] Case for purposes of class discussions, prepared for Lagos Business School, 2002
“Platinum bank: Facing the Challenges of a Highly Competitive Industry” [Link to external resources] Case for purposes of class discussions, prepared for Lagos Business School, 2002
“From Ocean and Oil to Unipetrol: Building through Acquisitions” [Link to external resources] Case for purposes of class discussions, prepared for Lagos Business School, 2004
“Revamping a Family Business: Rosaab Industrial Designs” [Link to external resources] Case for purposes of class discussions, prepared for Lagos Business School, 2004
“Arco Petroleum: Climbing by Merit” [Link to external resources] Case for purposes of class discussions, prepared for Lagos Business School, 2004
“Chidi’s Dilemma” [Link to external resources] Case for purposes of class discussions, prepared for Lagos Business School, 2005
“John Tobi” [Link to external resources] Case for purposes of class discussions, prepared for Lagos Business School, 2006
“Rob Ukropina: Success is Giving First” [Link to external resources] Case for purposes of class discussions, prepared for Lagos Business School, 2009
Conference Papers
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2017, September). Writing Winning Business Plans. Entrepreneurship seminar organised by the US Consulate in Nigeria and Fields of Skills and Dreams. Lagos, Nigeria.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2017, September). Leadership and Operational Intensity. Leadership workshop for Unilever Nigeria.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2017, August). Building Businesses for Impact. Academy of Management conference, Professional Development workshop. Atlanta, United States of America.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2017, March). Opportunities in a recession -Lagos Business School Alumni session. Knowledge centre, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2016, December). The challenges and opportunities in managing a recessionary economy. Herbert H. Humphrey Alumni Lecture. Organised by the US Consulate General, Lagos. Nigeria. Nigerian Institute of International Affairs. Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2016, November). Thinking out-of-the-box in Real Estate Industry. Refined Investors Series by Fine & Country West Africa. Wheatbaker hotel, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2016, November). Nigerian Entrepreneurs Summit and Honours. Moderator for transportation round table. Oriental Hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2016, October). The Agriculture Pillar: Beyond Subsistence Farming, Exploiting the Agriculture Value-Chain for National Prosperity (Panelist). 20th Annual Stockbroker’s conference (Chartered Institute of Stockbrokers), Lagos, Nigeria
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2016, October). Technology-driven Impact. Founder’s conference, Lagos, Nigeria.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2016, August) Impact-driven Entrepreneurship. Nigerian Small Business Summit. Landmark centre, Lagos, Nigeria.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2016). Learning from the Past: Entrepreneurship through Apprenticeship for more Successful Outcomes. Academy of International Business Sub-Saharan Africa Chapter Annual Conference, Lagos, Nigeria.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2016). The Role of Diaspora Communities in the Utilization and Transmission of Indigenous Knowledge. Yale Africa-China Conference, Lagos, Nigeria.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2015, October). Technology and Changing Business Models. Society and Technology Conference, Lagos, Nigeria.
Onwuegbuzie, H. N. (2015, August). Humanistic Management-An African Perspective. Academy of Management Conference – Open Governance, Vancouver, Canada.
Onwuegbuzie, H. N. (2015, August). Shaping the Future of African Management Development and Scholarship. Academy of Management Conference – Open Governance, Vancouver, Canada.
Onwuegbuzie, H. N. (2015, January). Scaling African Indigenous Innovations for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development. Africa Academy of Management (AFAM) 3rd Biennial Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2014, June). Impact Investing as a Tool for Inclusive Growth. Africa Roundtable and Conference on CSR, Calabar, Nigeria.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2014, May). Meeting the Needs of the African Youth and Building a 21st century workforce. Innovation Prize for Africa, Lagos, Nigeria.
Onwuegbuzie, H. N. & Adomdza, G. (2013, January). Discovering the Entrepreneurial Process of Indigenous knowledge Entrepreneurs. African Academy of Management Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. & Adomdza, G. (in press, 2013). Discovering the Entrepreneurial Process of Indigenous knowledge Entrepreneurs. Academy of Management.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2013). Teaching responsible leadership through entrepreneurship. PRME 2013 Summit.
Onwuegbuzie, H. N. (2013, November). The Art of Decision Making…To Be or Not To Be. 2013 Annual Wimbiz Conference, Lagos, Nigeria.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2012, August). Impact of Indigenous Knowledge on Market Adoption. Academy Of Management Conference, Boston, United States of America.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2012). Impact Investing- Creating Business opportunities with significant social impact. 12th Annual conference of the Nigerian Network of NGOs, Lagos, Nigeria.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2012). Opportunities for SMEs and Indigenous Entrepreneurs. Sam Ohuabunwa Foundation for Economic Empowerment, Lagos, Nigeria.
Onwuegbuzie, H. N. (2012, August). Sustainable Development Strategy Using Indigenous Knowledge and Entrepreneurship. African Academy of Management (AFAM), San Antonio, United States of America.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. & Janssen-Selvadurai, C. (2012, January). Cultivating an Entrepreneurial Mind-set. United States Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference (USASBE), New Orleans, United States of America.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2012, January). Nike Davies-Okundaye: Building a Family Social Enterprise (case study). United States Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference (USASBE), New Orleans, United States of America.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2011, December). Poverty Eradication through Indigenous Knowledge and Entrepreneurship. First Investment Group Nigeria Annual Lecture, Lagos, Nigeria.
Onwuegbuzie, H. N. (2011, October). Pathways to Sustainable Development in Africa. EABIS Colloquium, Fountainbleu, France.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. & Juma, N. (2011). Integrating Scientific and Indigenous Knowledge: Towards a conceptual framework of the innovation process of Indigenous entrepreneurs. International Academy for African-American Business and Development (IAABD).
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2011, August). Sustainable Development Strategy Using Indigenous Knowledge and Entrepreneurship. African Academy of Management (AFAM)/Academy of Management, Texas, United States of America.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N (2011) “Achieving Sustainable Development through Indigenous Knowledge and Entrepreneurship” Paper presented at the INSEAD Abu Dhabi campus, UAE: From private Action to public good: How Can the Gulf Region Contribute to Sustainable Socio-economic Development in Africa? June 1-2, 2011.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N (2011) “Integrating Scientific and Indigenous Knowledge: Towards a Conceptual Framework of the Innovation Process of Indigenous Entrepreneurs” Paper presented at the IAABD 2011, May 17-20, Edmonton, Canada. Won overall Best Paper Award.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2011). Changing the Present and Creating the Future through Indigenous Knowledge and Entrepreneurship. United States Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference (USASBE), South Carolina, United States of America.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N (2011) “Changing the Present and Creating the Future through Indigenous Knowledge and Entrepreneurship” Paper presented at the USASBE 2011, Jan 13-16, Hilton Head, SC.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N (2005) “The Impact of Ethics on Entrepreneurial Outcomes” Paper presented at the 35th EFMD Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Small Business Conference, at IESE, Barcelona, September 2005.
Onwuegbuzie, H.N. (2005, March). Identifying and Assessing Business Opportunities. Nestlé Nutrition Duchess Club’s Capacity Building Workshop, Lagos, Nigeria.
Working Papers
Sustainable Development Strategy Using Indigenous Knowledge and Entrepreneurship. Top ten on SSRN list as at May 25-27, 2011
Integrating Mainstream Knowledge and Indigenous Knowledge: Towards an Integrative Model of the Innovation Process of Indigenous Entrepreneurs.
Changing the Present and Creating the Future through Indigenous Knowledge and Entrepreneurship.