Yetunde Anibaba
Analysis of Business Problems
Brief info
Yetunde Anibaba (Ph.D.) is a management educator and organisational development professional. She teaches Analysis of Business Problems (ABP) and decision-making on full-time and Executive MBA, as well as other senior executive education programmes at Lagos Business School.
She has designed and taught on several highly-rated, short-focused seminars and custom executive programmes in the School, including the yearly Problem Solving and Decision Making for Executives and Driving Digital Revolution.
Prior to joining LBS, she occupied several positions in the Information Technology sector, with experience in the areas of ICT and Human Resource Management.
Yetunde holds a BSc & MSc Degrees in Sociology, MILD as well as a Ph.D. in Management (Organisational Behaviour). She is an alumna of the University of Lagos, LBS, IESE Business School and the Wharton School, and provides advisory services to a number of organisations. She is also a member of the Humanistic Management Network (HuMaNet) and is an ad-hoc reviewer for conferences such as the Academy of Management and the Southern Management Academy.
Conference Papers
Anibaba, Y. & Akomode, T. (2016). Thriving in African Cities: Beyond Competitiveness. Academy of International Business Sub-Saharan Africa Chapter Annual Conference, Lagos, Nigeria.
Adeleye, I. L. & Anibaba, Y. (2014). Knowledge Transfer Through Expatriation – How do Subsidiary Employees Count? Academy of International Business Sub-Saharan Africa Chapter Inaugural Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.
Anibaba, Y. & Adeleye, I. L. (2014). Strategic HRM in Africa: Exploring Institutional Effects. 2nd Biennial Africa Academy of Management (AFAM) Conference, Gaborone, Botswana.
Anibaba, Y. (2014, September). Institutionalization of a Paradigm in Micro-OB research and its expression in the Affect-Turnover Literature. 2014 British Academy of Management Conference, Belfast Waterfront, Ireland.
Anibaba, Y. (2013). Knowledge Sharing Dynamics in Professional Service Firms in Nigeria. British Academy of Management Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom.
Anibaba, Y. & Adeleye, I. L. (2013). Knowledge Sharing in Professional Service Firms in Nigeria – An African Perspective? 3rd International Conference on Management in Africa, Manchester, United Kingdom.
Atewologun, D., Adeleye, I. L., Anibaba, Y., & Fawehinmi, Y. (2013). Diversity Management in Africa. 3rd International Conference on Management in Africa, Manchester, United Kingdom.
Anibaba, Y. (2012). Interlevel influences on knowledge sharing in professional service firms. 28th EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki, Sweden.
Anibaba, Y. (2011). Explaining knowledge sharing in the MNC subsidiary: an individual level perspective. African Academy of Management (AFAM), San Antonio, United States of America.
Anibaba, Y. (2010). MNC knowledge transfer through expatriation: How do subsidiary employees count. Strategic Management Conference, Rome, Italy.
Ovadje, F. O. & Anibaba, Y. (2008). The Adoption of HRM Practices by SMEs and its Impact on Firm Performance. International Academy of African Business & Development (IAABD), Florida, United States of America.
Anibaba, Y. (2016). Slamdex Stores: Strategies and sustainability in uncertain contexts. The Case Center (pp. 12). Lagos Business School.
Anibaba, Y. (2015). MWoB: Designing Dreams. The Case Center (pp. 7). Lagos Business School.
Anibaba, Y. (2015). Burberry: Building a Luxury Empire. The Case Center (pp. 6). Lagos Business School.
Anibaba, Y. (2014). Business in the Creeks: Top-Aze Nigeria Limited. Case Center (pp. 6). Lagos Business School.
Anibaba, Y. (2014). Swiftel Nigeria I: Making Skills Transfer Happen. Case Center (pp. 5). Lagos Business School.
Anibaba, Y. (2014). Swiftel Nigeria II: Making Skills Transfer Happen (The Aftermath). The Case Centre. Lagos Business School.
Book Chapters
Osland, A. & Anibaba, Y. (2016). Reinforcing Compliance (and Ethics) to International Business Students. Teaching Ethics Across the Management Curriculum (pp. 11).
Anibaba, Y. (2015). Knowledge Transfer Through Expatriation – How Do Subsidiary Employees Count?. The Changing Dynamics of International Business in Africa. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Adeleye, I. L. & Anibaba, Y. (2014). Strategic Human Resources Management, Labour Market Efficiency and Competitiveness in Africa: Contemporary Issues and Prospects for the Future. In Sonny Nwankwo and Kevin Ibeh (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Business in Africa.