Olawale Ajai
Social & Political Environment of Business
Business Law
Brief info
Olawale Ajai is the Professor of Legal, Social and Political Environment of Business and Head, Department of Strategy at the Lagos Business School. He holds a PhD in law and facilitates sessions on business law, financial inclusion/digital economy and law, non-market strategy, microeconomics of competitiveness and public policy/administration. His research focuses on financial inclusion/digital technology laws and policies, business laws, corporate sustainability, corporate governance and non-market strategy.
Olawale has led strategic repositioning, consulting and training engagements for organizations, such as: The World Bank, Exxon Mobil, Dangote Plc, Novo Health Africa HMO, Central Bank of Nigeria, Securities and Exchange Commission, Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission, Nigeria Railway Corporation, DESOPADEC, MONAN, OPTS, Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF) and The Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR,) Nairobi.
He is a member of the Environmental Law Commission of the IUCN, Bonn, Germany. He is the Public Policy Lead for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded ‘Sustainable Business Models for Delivering Digital Financial Services to Lower Unbanked Citizens of Nigeria’ Research Project at Lagos Business School, 2015 to date.
Olawale was the inaugural Chief Olu Akinkugbe African Business Law Fellow at the Centre for Comparative Law, Faculty of Law at Cape Town University, South Africa in 2014. He was the inaugural Visiting Professor at the Yale University School of Management on the Global Network Scholars Fellowship for Africa in 2019.
He was formerly Group Company Secretary/Legal Adviser; Executive Director, Human Capital and Executive Director, Marketing and Strategy at Dunlop Nigeria Plc. He was also at various times, Senior Research Fellow, Associate Research Professor and Ag. Director of Research at the Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies. He was a member of Council/ Chair of the Professional Development Committee of Chartered Institute of Personnel Managers of Nigeria for ten years. He has drafted major national legislation on environmental and natural resources law.
He is an alumnus of Lagos Business School, IESE Business School and Harvard Kennedy School of Government. He is a Member of: the Nigerian Bar Association, IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law, Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria, Institute of Directors of Nigeria, Chartered Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria; and a Fellow of the Leadership for Environment and Development International (LEAD).
Ajai, O. O. (2016). Agenda for Intra-African Economic Development: Business-Legal Frameworks, Enablers and Impediments. Journal of Comparative Law in Africa.
Ajai, O. O. (in press, 2014). Profit Creation, Intra and Inter-generational Equity: Need for New Company Law. African Journal of Business Management.
Ajai, O. O. (2012). Law, Water and Sustainable Development: Framework of Nigerian Law. Law, Environment and Development Journal, 8 (1), 89-114.
Ajai, O. O. (2012). Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining in a Federated Emerging Economy: A General Review from a Nigeria. International Journal of Public Law and Policy, 2 (2), 191-214.
O. O. Ajai, Legal Protection of the Consumer in Credit, Sales and Service Transactions in Nigeria. (421 pp).
O. O. Ajai, (2009) “Corporate Governance, Reporting Corporate Financial Information and Audit Committees: A Review of Nigerian and Comparative Law, (29 pp), International Journal of Comparative Corporate Law.
O. O. Ajai, (2009) “Corporate Theory of Shareholder Control: A Relic to be destroyed or A Pillar to be reformed?” International Conference on Corporate Law (ICCL 2009) College of Law, Government & International Studies, Universiti Utara Malaysia
O. O. Ajai (2001), “Consumer Credit and Finance: The Legal Framework”, 1 Modus International Law & Business Quarterly, 1.
Prof. J.O. Fabunmi & O. O. Ajai, (1998), ‘Execution of Judgment and Means of Enforcement Available to a court in Nigeria’ -32 Journal of African Law, (No.2), pp. 164-181.
O. O. Ajai, (1998), ‘The New Wills Edicts and the Reform of Wills Law in Nigeria: Some Thought and Suggestions’, Nigerian Current Law
Review, pp. 58-76.
O. O. Ajai (1998), “Environmental Impact Assessment and Sustainable Development: A Review of the Nigerian Legal Framework, Nigerian
Current Legal Problems, Vol. 2, pp. 12-36.
O. O. Ajai (1998), “Project Linked International Loan Case Study”, (1998) Modern Practice Journal of Finance & Investment Law Vol, 2 No 2 (1998), pp.132 – 139
O. O. Ajai (1997), “Recovery of Interest by Banks: A Critical Examination of Nigerian Case Law”, 41 Journal of African Law (No.1), pp. 109.
O. O. Ajai (1997), “Access to Genetic Resources and Biotechnology Regulation in Nigeria, Review of European: Community and International Environmental Law (RECEIL) Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp 42 – 43.
O. O. Ajai (1995 ) “Achieving Environmental Protection through the Vehicle of Human Rights: Some Conceptual, Legal and Third World Problems”, University of Benin Law Journal, Vol. 2, No 1, pp 41 – 57.
O. O. Ajai, (1993), “Recovery of Interest on Loans: Finance Institutions: BOFI Decree Consumers and Money Lending Contracts”, Justice. Vol 8 No. 6, pp. 59-66.
O. O. Ajai, (1993), “Teaching, Researching and Reforming Consumer Protection Law in Nigeria: Some Reflections and Suggestions”, Justice. Vol. 7 No. 4, 92-101.
O. O. Ajai, [1992-93], “Caveat Venditor! Consumer Protection Decree No. 66 of 1992 Arrives in the Nigerian Market Place” Nigerian Current Law Rev. pp. 23-41.
O. O. Ajai, (1992 & 1993), “Recent Trends in Fundamental Breach and Exclusion Clauses in the Consumer/Commercial Transactions”, Vol. 16, 17, &18 Journal of Private and Property Law pp.37 – 49.
O. O. Ajai, (1992), “Conservation of Aquatic Resources in Nigeria: A Critical Appraisal of the Legal Framework”, Justice, Vol. Nos 4 & 5, pp 36-47.
O. O. Ajai, (1991), “Some Unconstitutional Aspects of the Land Use Act 1978 and Internal Conflict Rules governing Intestate Succession to Land, Justice, pp.45-51.
O. O. Ajai, (1990), “The Integration of Traditional Medicine into the Nigerian Health Care Delivery System: Legal Implications and Complications,” Medicine & Law (No. 1) pp. 685 -699.
Prof. J. O. Fabunmi, A. Popoola & O. O. Ajai, (1990), ‘Some Aspects of Law Enforcement in the Commercial Sector in Nigeria,’ 1 Ogun State University L.J. pp. 107-134
O. O. Ajai, (1989), “Market Overts: Do they exist in Nigeria?” The Gravitas Review of Business and Property Law. Vol 2, pp. 73-77.
O. O. Ajai (1986), “Legal Pluralism and the Mishandling of Moslem Wills: Further Considerations of Adesubokan v. Yinusa and the Internal conflict Rules”, Nigerian Current Law Review, pp. 127-140.
O. O. Ajai, 1986, “An Appraisal of the Miscellaneous Offences (Special Tribunal) Decree No. 20 of 1984”, The Ife Law Journal, pp. 58-76.
Ajai, O. (2011). Consumer Credit, Sales and Services Transactions Law in Nigeria. Lagos: Criterion Educational Foundation Publishers
Prof. I. A. Ayua & O. O. Ajai (eds.), (1998), Implementing the Biodiversity Convention: Nigerian and African Perspectives, 170 pp.O. O. Ajai & Mrs. Toyin Ipaye (eds.) (1997), Rights of Women and Children in Divorce, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Lagos, 200 pp.
Book Chapters
Ajai, O. (2011 forthcoming). Development and Balancing of Interests in Environmental Law in Nigeria. In Faure, M. And du Plessis, (eds.) Balancing of Interests in Environmental Law in Africa. Pretoria University Press.
O. O. Ajai, (2009) ” Role of Legislation in Land Use Planning” in Prof. J.O. Fabunmi (Ed.) Themes on Jurisprudence and International Law: Essays in Honour of Prof, A. Ajomo, Ch. 16.
O. O. Ajai, (1998), “Environmental Considerations in Commercial Transactions”, in Adewopo & Fagbohun (ed.) Development & Reforms in Nigeria’s Commercial Laws: Essays in Honour of Chief Chris Ogunbanjo, pp. 31 – 40.
O. O. Ajai (1998), “Inducing Environmental Change through Legislation: Some Lessons and Limits,” in Simpson and Fagbohun (ed.) Environmental Law and Policy, (Law Centre, Faculty of Law, LASU), pp. 40-49.
O. O. Ajai (1997), Rights of Women and Children in Divorce: The Human Rights Equation, in Ajai & Ipaye (ed.) Rights of Women and Children in Divorce (F.E.F) pp. 5 – 16.
O. O. Ajai (1997), Legitimacy, Paternity and Custody of Children Under Customary Law Re-examined, in Ajai and Ipaye (ed.) Rights of Women and Children in Divorce (F.E.F.) pp. 85-94.
O. O. Ajai (1997), “Socio-Ethical Aspect of HIV/AIDS: Some Legal Issues”, in Dr. D. Esangbedo (ed.), Proceedings of a Symposium on AID/HIV infection: The Socio-Ethical Issues, Medical Women Association of Nigeria (Lagos Zone) pp. 58 – 69.
O. O. Ajai (1996), “The Law, Judiciary and the Environment in Nigeria”, in Umezulike & Nwese (ed.) Perspective in Law and Justice, Fourth Dimension Publishing, pp. 240 – 253.
O. O. Ajai (1996) “Environmental Issues in Debt Management in Ayua & Owasanoye (ed.), External Debt and Financial Management in Nigeria”, (NIALS Publications) pp. 205 – 215.
O. O. Ajai (1996), Convention on Biodiversity: From negotiations to issues of Interest to Africa in Prof Ayua & Olawale Ajai (ed.), Implementing the Biodiversity Convention: Nigerian and Africa Perspectives, (NIALS Publications), pp. 1-4.
O. O. Ajai (1996), “Critical Legal Issues in Development and Implementing Nature Conservation Policy and Strategy in a Typical African Common Law Country: Some Lessons form the Nigerian Experience”, in Olawale Ajai (ed.) Implementing the Biodiversity Convention: Nigerian and African Perspectives, NIALS, pp. 99 – 108
O. O. Ajai, (1996), “The Management of Nigerian Biodiversity, The Legal Perspective, in Olawale Ajai (ed.) Implementing the Biodiversity Convention: Nigerian and African Perspectives”, NIALS, Chapter 12.
O. O. Ajai, (1995), “The Structure of the Judiciary under the 1995 Draft Constitution”, in Prof. Ayua (ed.) Issues in the 1995 Draft Constitution.
O. O. Ajai (1994), “Integrating Biodiversity conservation in Sectoral laws and Policies: A Case Study of Nigeria with Considerations for Developing Countries”, Krattiger et al (eds.), Widening Perspectives on Biodiversity, IUCN, Gland Switzerland & International Academy of the Environment, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 101 – 108 (ch. 3.3)
Dr. M.A. Owoade & O. O. Ajai, (1989), Omosini & Adediran (eds), “Legal Education in Ife; 1962-1987 “, Chapter 5, Great Ife: A History of Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife, 1962-1987, Unife Press.
Conference Papers
Ajai, O. (2011). Sustainable companies, sustainable capitalism: A new model built on the concept of directors duties. Paper presented at The First International Sustainable Companies Conference, Oslo, 29-30 August.
Ajai, O. (2011). Law, Water and Sustainable Development. Paper presented at the IUCNAEL Colloquium, South Africa, 3-7 July.
Ajai O. O. (2009, February). Corporate Theory of Shareholder Control: A relic to be destroyed or a pillar to be reformed. Paper presented at the International Conference of Corporate Law (ICCL), College of Law, Government & International Studies, Universiti Utara, Malaysia.
Ajai, O.O (2009) CSR, the sustainability paradigm and profit/value creation: Is corporate Law edging out the shareholder bounty capitalist in favour of the laid back capitalist? 6th Workshop on Corporate Governance, 23 -24, November, 2009, Brussels, Belgium, (Organised by European Institute of Advanced Studies in Management, Belgium)
Ajai, O. O. (2009) Corporate Social Responsibility versus Corporate Sustainability Responsibility: Where does corporate law stand? 7th Annual Colloquium of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law, Wuhan, China, 1 -5, November, 2009.
Ajai, O. O. (2009) Corporate Social Responsibility: Emerging Duties of directors, officers and shareholders of companies- a comparative survey of Law and Political Economy. International Conference on the Convergence of Corporate Governance Norms, 5 – 6, September, 2009, Calcutta, India (Organised by Indian National Institute of Technology, Kharagpur & National Foundation for Corporate Governance).
Ajai, O. O. (1995) Regulating Access to Nigeria’s Genetic Resources, (Third Global Biodiversity Forum, Jakarta, Indonesia November, 1995).
Ajai,O. O. (1994) Implementing the Biodiversity Convention in Nigeria: some Problems and Prospects – (International symposium on the “The Convention on Biological Diversity: Objectives – Special Issues, Implementation into National Law”, 20-23, October, 1994 (Organised by the Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, Germany).
Ajai, O. O. (1993) Integrating Bio-Diversity Conservation Sectoral Laws and Policies: some conceptual and Third World Consideration – A case Study of Nigeria. (Global Biodiversity Forum, I. U. C. N. Headquarters, Gland, Switzerland, October 7 – 9, 1993), organised by I.U.C.N., W.R.E, UNEP, ACTS, WCMC and UNDP.
Ajai, O. O. (1993) Achieving Environmental Protection, Through the Vehicle of Human rights: Some Conceptual, Legal and Third World Problems”. (International Conference on Human Rights and Environmental Protection, Commonwealth Institute, London, April, 1993).
Conference Proceedings
O. O. Ajai & Bolaji Owasanoye, (1994), “Regulation and De-Regulation: Which Way Nigeria?” Proceedings of the 32nd Annual conference of the Nigerian Association of Law Teachers, 10-13 May 1994, Pp. 88-109.
A. Popoola & O. O. Ajai, (1989) “The Military Regime and Economic Crime in Nigeria”, Proceedings of the Nigerian Association of Law Teachers Annual Conference, April 9-12, Enugu pp. 130-182.
O. O. Ajai, (1984) “Folklore and National Development, An Overview of legal Developments, constraints and Opportunities”, G. G.Darah (ed.), Proceedings of the 4th Annual congress of the Nigerian Folklore Society, held at Ile-Ife, December 17-21, 1984, pp. 32-56.
Ajai O. O. (2010). Nigerian Capital Market Meltdown: Regulatory Incompetence or Boom-Bust Cycle? (ECCH 210-009-1). Lagos, Nigeria: Lagos Business School.
Ajai O. O. (2009). Shell and the Niger Delta: In and Out of Ogoni Land. (ECCH 209-030-1). Lagos, Nigeria: Lagos Business School.
Technical Notes
Ajai O. O. (2010). Shell and the Niger Delta: In And Out Of Ogoni Land (ECCH 209-030-8). Lagos, Nigeria: Lagos Business School.
Ajai, O. O. (2015). Uses and Limitations of the Balanced Scorecard. The Case Center (pp. 6). Lagos Business School.
Ajai, O. O. (2015). Traits, Attributes and Competencies of a Good (Effective) Negotiator. The Case Center (pp. 4). Lagos Business School.
Ajai, O. O. (2015). The Manager’s Role in Promoting Peaceful Industrial Relations. The Case Center. Lagos Business School.
Ajai, O. O. (2014). Duties of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer. Case Center. Lagos Business School.
Ajai, O. O. (2014). Economic Meltdown and Duties of Directors Key Legal Issues and Lessons. Case Centre (pp. 4). Lagos Business School.
Ajai, O. O. (2014). Companies Law and Corporate Governance. Case Centre (pp. 10). Lagos Business School.
Ajai, O. O. (2014). Coordination, Communication and Reporting in Compliance Management. Case Centre (pp. 6). Lagos Business School.
Ajai, O. O. (2014). Ethical and Corporate Governance Issues in HR Management. Case Centre (pp. 10). Lagos Business School.
Ajai, O. O. (2012). Salomon V Salomon and The Corporate Personality Of The Company. European Case Clearing House (pp. 4). Lagos Business School.
Ajai, O. O. (2012). Contract Risk Management: Suretyship, Guarantees and Indemnities. European Case Clearing House (pp. 4). Lagos Business School.
Ajai, O. O. (2012). Vicarious Liability: The Employer’s And Outsourcer’s Nightmare. European Case Clearing House (pp. 6). Lagos Business School.